We all know the drill when it comes to weight loss: take in fewer calories, and burn more calories. Weight loss plan which works for others may not work for you due to a number of reason.
If you want to drop a few pounds fast, here are a few expert tips for you that will make it easy to lose weight quickly.
- Jot down what you eat for one week and you will lose weight. People who keep food diaries enjoy success in weight loss, studies show.
- Add 10 percent to the amount of daily calories you think you’re eating. If you think you’re eating 1700 calories a day and don’t know why you aren’t losing weight, add another 170 calories to your guess estimate. Your chances are, the new number is more accurate.
- Get an online weight loss friend to lose more weight
- Get a weight loss mantra. When you keep focusing on things you can’t do, like resisting junk food or taking a daily walk, chances are you won’t do them.so rather than thinking on negative thoughts, think positive thoughts.
- After breakfast stick to water. You can take other juices at breakfast but be sure to stick to water afterwards at other meals.
- Eat three fewer bites of your meal. You could also reduce a treat a day and replace it with juice.
- Watch one less hour of TV a day
- Wash something thoroughly once a week.
- Wait until your stomach rumbles before you reach for food.
- Sniff an apple, banana or a peppermint when you feel hungry.
- Stare at the color blue (The color blue serves as an appetite suppressant). So eat from blue plates to reduce your appetite.
- Eat in front of the mirrors and you’ll lose weight
- Spend 10 minutes a day walking up and down the stairs
- Walk at least 5 minutes every 2 hours
- Walk 45 minutes a day instead of 30, you’ll lose more weight that way
- Don’t buy any prepared food
- Put your spoon or fork down after every bite
- Throw out your fat clothes for good
- Close the kitchen for 12 hours
- Walk before dinner and you’ll cut calories and your appetite
- Make one social outing this week an active one
- Hook on a step tracker, and aim for an extra 1000 steps a day
- Put less food out and you’ll take less in
- Eat 90 percent of your meals at home
- Serve food on your plate instead of platters
- Don’t eat with large group
- Order the smallest portion of everything
- Eat water- rich foods and you’ll eat fewer calories overall
- Bulk up your meals with veggies
- Avoid white foods
- Switch to ordinary coffee
- If you are going to indulge, choose fat releasing foods
- Enjoy high calorie treats as the accent, not the centerpiece
- Eat cereal for breakfast five days a week
- Try hot sauce, salsa, and Cajun seasonings
- Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice
- Drop your milk type and you cut calories by about 20 percent
- Snack on a small handful of nuts
- Get most of your calories before noon
- Brush your teeth after every meal, especially dinner. That clean, minty freshness will serve as a cue to your body and brain that mealtime is over.
What works for you? Please share your best tip to lose weight loss here so that others can also benefit and lose weight.